


Goals & Objectives


Activities & Experiences

Assesment tools


Action Toolkit

Workshop Toolkit
Evaluation Tools

a project of Media Working Group



Formative Assessment Tool


Critical Juncture
Possible Discussion Questions


The learning that leads to the knowledge necessary to understand scientific concepts.

What are you doing well in?

Is there anything you are struggling with?

How do you know you are not doing well?

How do you see the connection between your math and science classes?

How do you see all of your classes interconnecting?

Have you mapped out your classes by prerequisites?

How do you learn best?


The opportunity to learn science by participating in experiments, hands-on learning and the inquiry process.

Have you had the chance to do any science projects?

Would you like to try an internship?

Is there an experience or learning opportunity you have always wanted to try?

What background work or support would you need to haveto try those learning opportunities?


The ability to access and use technology to enhance learning, collect data and communicate findings.

Do you have access to the computers you need for homework?

Are they available when you need them?

Is the cost of printing, programs, hardware a factor?

What technology have you had the opportunity to use to collect data?

Have you had the opportunity to use technology to interpret data?

Capacity Building

The ability to create the connections and supports necessary to have the learning experiences necessary for a STEM career.

Have you found a teacher/professor that you can ask questions about science or math projects?

Are you aware of these (list) learning support networks available in this area/school?

Have you considered taking classes other than STEM?

Problem Solving

The learned ability to handle the unpredictable world of engaging in STEM research and learning experiences.

Do science experiments ever fail?

What do you do if an experiment/problem does not come out the way you planned?

What do you do if you cannot figure out the math homework?

What do you say to yourself when things go awry?

Who can you ask for help?

STEM Identity

The developing ability to picture yourself as a member of a group and determining where/how you want to contribute to the field.

Are you comfortable formulating your own research questions?

How do you know you have reached a valid conclusion?

How do you see yourself in five years? Ten? Twenty?

If you could contribute one thing to your field, what would that be?

Personal Support Network

The realization that people are not just students, but individuals with outside interests and conflicts that are integrated to form the whole learner.

Are you involved in any school groups?

Do you have any hobbies?

What have you been doing to take care of yourself?

Are you engaged in any sports?

Can I help connect you with any school/campus support programs such as the women's resource center or on campus child care possibilities?

How have you integrated your personal and career goals?


web design and hosting provided by media working group  
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