


Goals & Objectives


Activities & Experiences

Assesment tools


Action Toolkit

Workshop Toolkit
Evaluation Tools

a project of Media Working Group



Activities & Experiences


Three Dimensional Success in STEM



As the movie begins, it appears that each woman is the same -- one who wishes to learn science. However, as the film unrolls it becomes apparent that each woman is motivated by very different goals and passions. We believe, each young woman would define success differently and that young women would benefit from discussions that examine what success means to them.

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Guided Experience

After a discussion about what motivates each of these women, participants can brainstorm what their vision of success is. Participants can then choose to create a three dimensional figure that represents their definition of success. Their art and definitions can then be displayed and offered for discussion. One discussion question might include: How does your definition of success model how you interact with the learning experience?

web design and hosting provided by media working group  
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