CurriculaAction Toolkit |
a project of Media Working Group CurriculaActivities & Experiences
A Collection of Local Science MentorsAll Levels
Narrative This is also a variation on several previous activities where the limits of investigation are grounded in a contemporary or geographical frame. The value of this exercise is to obtain a sense of what is going on now in science. The availability of images and information in news media make this particularly exciting and the recency helps demystify some of the connection between students and historical approaches. (It might be interesting and helpful to ask students why they chose their subject.)
Guided Experience Students collect and write up information about scientists, and then display and share this information Again, students would then find an opportunity to display and share their information in several possible venues such as ‘A Walk Through History’ or wall and art displays or a collection bound into a book. Featured local scientists might be invited into the class or to the center of girls’ group to view the work of the students and comment on their own careers. web design and hosting provided
by media
working group