About UsHelen DeMichiel
a project of Media Working Group About UsGoals
The goals of the Project are to support the advancement of education and self-development for girls and women who enter academic studies in the STEM fields. The film, multi-media resource kits, and workshop guides will provide the unique information, training and tools to help young women identify and articulate possible gender based obstacles they might meet and ways for navigating them in a positive way.
Unique Partnership
Active Voice and Public Engagement
Active Voice is a team of strategic communication specialists who put powerful media to work for personal and institutional change in communities, workplaces, and campuses across America. Through their practical guides, hands-on workshops, stimulating events and key partnerships nationwide, Active Voice moves people from thought to action. By highlighting compelling personal stories and perspectives seldom found in mainstream media, they offer a much-needed outlet to people across America to speak out, listen up, and take the initiative for positive change.
If you'd like to support us in the important work make an online contribution through our Store. Thanks!
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by media
working group