


a project of Media Working Group




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"I found the film to be provocative and stimulating to watch. It provides a window into the relevant issues that a diverse group of women face in their college years as they sort through their interests and experiences in the fields of science and technology."

Jane Margolis, "Unlocking the Clubhouse: Women in Computing"

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What is it like to be a young woman training in college for a career in the high stakes professions of science, math, engineering and technology?


For every new generation it takes key movements along the way to make a grand leap forward into professional adulthood.


When gender collides with our cultural assumptions about who can flourish in these fields, how are young women changing the real and practical terms of engagement?

The Gender Chip Project offers both a documentary and companion materials designed to assist teachers, parents and mentors who are encouraging girls to the pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.


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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0337090.


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web design and hosting provided by media working group  
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